XXXIII ICYE General Assembly 2023

The 33rd General Assembly of ICYE Federation took place in Accra, Ghana, in the period 13-17 November 2023.

47 participants from 35 countries gathered together for an unforgettable experience and many important discussions. Thank you to everyone who was there, we appreciate your enthusiasm and active participation!

Special thank you to ICYE Ghana for hosting the General Assembly and making it possible!


We have a new Board of Managers: Chairperson: Hester Kuijk Breitenmoser, Treasurer: Adeolu Onamade, Members: Rhenelyn Queen Dadulo and Mariela Ortiz Suarez. We also decided on the Sub-Committees in the Federation that will work on our priorities for the next 2 years.

One of the decisions was also to establish a Youth Engagement Committee that will empower young people in the Federation to be more vocal about their views and be more active on different levels. The Youth Engagement Committee will encourage intergenerational collaboration and transmission of knowledge in all directions.

15 members of the YEC from all 4 regions

We left the GA inspired and motivated to continue our work together and we can’t wait to meet all of you again very soon!

If you want to stay updated with our work, make sure you follow us! You can also check out ICYE Newsletters to stay up to date!

LIVE-EX Virtual Exchange


LIVE-EX is an Erasmus+ funded Virtual Exchange project for the period 2024-2027, collaborating with 2 European and 8 partners from Sub-Saharan Africa. The project is a multi-network, transcontinental collaboration aimed at supporting digital inclusion among IVS organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa so that more young people have access to high quality virtual intercultural exchanges and are part of a global community of learning working together for social and climate justice.

What are the main virtual exchange activities?

● 2-month blended Training for Mentors, Peer Supervision,

● 4 cohorts of Earth Advocacy Mentorship Virtual Exchange,

● Online Advocacy Actions or Local Community Actions,

● Monitoring and Evaluation,

● Virtual Dialogues to disseminate,

● Youth to join advisory/ decision-making structures of major IVS networks