XXXIII ICYE General Assembly 2023

The 33rd General Assembly of ICYE Federation took place in Accra, Ghana, in the period 13-17 November 2023.

47 participants from 35 countries gathered together for an unforgettable experience and many important discussions. Thank you to everyone who was there, we appreciate your enthusiasm and active participation!

Special thank you to ICYE Ghana for hosting the General Assembly and making it possible!


We have a new Board of Managers: Chairperson: Hester Kuijk Breitenmoser, Treasurer: Adeolu Onamade, Members: Rhenelyn Queen Dadulo and Mariela Ortiz Suarez. We also decided on the Sub-Committees in the Federation that will work on our priorities for the next 2 years.

One of the decisions was also to establish a Youth Engagement Committee that will empower young people in the Federation to be more vocal about their views and be more active on different levels. The Youth Engagement Committee will encourage intergenerational collaboration and transmission of knowledge in all directions.

15 members of the YEC from all 4 regions

We left the GA inspired and motivated to continue our work together and we can’t wait to meet all of you again very soon!

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XXXII ICYE General Assembly 2022

The 32rd ICYE Federation General Assembly was held in Berlin, Germany from 11 to 12 May 2022.

XXXl ICYE General Assembly 2019

The 31st ICYE Federation General Assembly took place in Hoi An, Vietnam from 18th to 23rd November 2019

XXX ICYE General Assembly 2017

The 30th ICYE Federation General Assembly took place in Næstved, Denmark, from 23rd – 28th October 2017. Attended by around 60 participants from 40 countries around the world, the 6-day programme comprised enriching discussions on the growth and development of the Federation, on developing an ethical code for our programmes and activities,  a market place for negotiations, and a sightseeing trip around Copenhagen.

The ICYE General Assembly also accepted three new members into the Federation: Subir al Sur/Fundación SES, Argentina, Association Joint, Italy, and GIED – Global Initiative for Exchange and Development Inc., the Philippines. We are pleased to have them on board and look forward to intensifying cooperation with them for the ICYE long and short term programmes.


For more information about the XXX ICYE General Assembly please contact the ICYE International Office at .

XXIX ICYE General Assembly 2015

The XXIX General Assembly (GA) of the ICYE Federation took place from the 23rd to the 28th of November 2015 in Goa, India. It was attended by 62 participants, representing 37 different countries, including the partner organisations in Tanzania and The Philippines.

The GA highlights were: keynote speeches on India Today and Children and Human Rights in India; acceptance of UP Tanzania an new associate member; workshops on: South-South exchanges; evaluating the impact of volunteers in children projects; risk management; and short term exchanges vs. volontourism; as well as proposals for trainings at regional level.

Warmest thanks and gratitude go to ICDE-India for the impeccable organisation and great hospitality, as well as the informative host projects’ visits, which made this General Assembly an inspiring and memorable one!

For more information about the XXIX ICYE General Assembly please contact the ICYE International Office at .

XXVIII ICYE General Assembly 2013

The XXVIII General Assembly (GA) of the ICYE Federation took place from 18 to 23 November 2013 in Kampala, Uganda and was attended by 65 participants, representing 38 different countries, including partners in Argentina, Spain and Tanzania.

The GA highlights were: keynote speeches on Africa’s predicaments & challenges; Federation’s mid (2017) and long-term (2021) action plans; workshops on how to ensure a more global and reciprocal youth exchange; development of south-south exchanges, bi-country programs and National Committees peer support systems; elaboration of regional meetings and trainings for 2014; and plans for trainings on how to assess the impact of the ICYE program on volunteers, host organizations and families.

Warmest thanks and gratitude go to Ugandan Volunteers for Peace (UVP)/ICYE Uganda for the exquisite hospitality, the informative host projects’ visits, and the GA organisation, which made this General Assembly – the third one ever hosted in Africa – a memorable and encouraging one!

The XXIX ICYE General Assembly will be held in Goa, India, in October/November 2015.

For more information about the XXVIII ICYE General Assembly please contact the ICYE International Office at

XXVII ICYE General Assembly 2011

The XXVII General Assembly (GA) of the ICYE Federation took place from 7 to 12 November 2011 in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, and was attended by 70 participants, representing 39 different countries, including partners in Tanzania and Togo.

Highlights: acceptance of new Associate Members in Indonesia, Peru and Vietnam; workshops on ICYE’s vision and goals for 2020, programme development; adoption of long-term development strategies for training, quality assurance, impact assessment and documentation of the ICYE programme.

Our heartfelt thanks to ICYE/ACI Costa Rica for the excellent preparation and organisation of this unforgettable event!

For more information about the XXVII ICYE General Assembly please contact the ICYE International Office at .

XXVI ICYE General Assembly 2009

The XXVI General Assembly (GA) of the ICYE Federation was held from 23 thru 29 November 2009 in Tauranga, New Zealand, and was attended by 60 participants, representing 40 different countries.

Highlights: celebration of ICYE 60th Anniversary; acceptance of new Associate Members in Ecuador and South Africa; development of cooperation with ICYE partner organisations in Indonesia, Peru, The Philippines, Tanzania, Uruguay, and Vietnam; and adoption of long-term development strategies for training and quality assurance.

For more information about the XXVI ICYE General Assembly please contact the ICYE International Office at

XXV ICYE General Assembly 2007

The XXV General Assembly (GA) of the ICYE Federation was held from 5 thru 10 November 2007 in Taipei, Taiwan, and was attended by 70 participants.

Highlights: new Associate Members in Ecuador, Moldova, India and USA; representatives from the Volunteer Centre in South Africa and Vietnam Volunteers for Peace in Vietnam also attended; adoption of guidelines for new ICYE programs for older volunteers and for short-term volunteering; and adoption of long-term development strategies for training and quality assurance.

For more information about the XXV ICYE General Assembly please contact the ICYE International Office at

XXIV ICYE General Assembly 2005

The XXIV General Assembly (GA) of the ICYE Federation was held from 21 thru 26 November 2005, in Parc d’Olhain, Houdain, France. It was attended by 64 participants, including representatives of ICYE partner organisations in Ecuador, Estonia, Poland, Spain and USA.

For more information about the XXII ICYE General Assembly please contact the ICYE International Office at