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Our Policies

ICYE has high quality standards regarding our work. The following policies highlight our commitments:

ICYE’s Code of Ethical Practice

Greener together – ICYE’s commitment for a sustainable and regenerative future

Safer Together – ICYE’s policy addressing sexual violence in international volunteering

Care to Engage – ICYE’s Policy on Safeguarding Children

To analyse the impact our policies have on our work, we have a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in place and will report anually in our global review report on the progress of the policies.

You can find our policies in Spanish here:

ICYE – Cuidar y Actuar

ICYE – No Más

ICYE – Hoy para el Futuro

Our policy addressing sexual violence in international volunteering is available in Kiswahili as well here:

ICYE – Usalama Pamoja

Also check out our training manual on the topic: 

Safer Together – Our Policy in Action!

No Volunteering in Orphanages

Our Annual Reports

In our annual reports you can learn more about our work as a global Federation promoting international voluntary service: 

ICYE Annual Report 2023-24

Annual Report 2022-2023

Annual Report 2021-2022

ICYE does not offer volunteering opportunities in orphanages. Some of the reasons are:

  • Orphanage volunteering Is contributing to a global industry that is separating children from their families.
  • The practice of orphanage volunteering poses huge child protection risks.
  • Orphanage volunteering contributes to attachment disorder.

For ICYE, the wellbeing of children is in the centre of our safeguarding work. Volunteers who want to engage in social work with children can do so in many other ways.

Read more about the topic: No Volunteering in Orphanages