Type: Environmental/Green Projects: Environmental awareness raising - Country: Colombia

Brief description and main aims

IED Santa Rosa is a rural public school located 20 minutes away from Popayan, the main city of
this region. The school is open every day, and usually, they have students from Monday to
Saturday in the morning shift. They have students of all ages, from preschool to high school.
They also have a lot of different projects running besides the academic classes. For the school, the environmental area is very important since it is a rural area, therefore they have a range of projects such as recycling, a school garden that includes medicinal plants, etc.

Cultural Exposure

This school is located 20 minutes away from the city.
There are students and teachers from Popayan and the areas nearby. They have had
international exchange students (from the Netherlands and Germany) before, and they are
willing to have more intercultural experiences since it has been very enriching.
Popayan is commonly called "the white city"
because of the color of the houses that
adorn its colonial architecture.
Founded in 1537, it is one of the oldest cities,
not only in Colombia, but in America. And
this historical tradition allows it to offer
visitors a wide range of tourist attractions.

Main Activities

The volunteer will be able to support and participate
in the school projects that are:
- Recycling
- De paso en el museo (Going through the museum)
- Huerta escolar: cultivo de plantas medicinales
(School garden)
The volunteer might help with social media and the
school’s web page management.

Volunteer tasks

  • The volunteer will be helping with different activities and events taking place at the school.
  • They will also be helping some teachers with their classes (as assistants in the classes they are moreinterested in), including English classes.

Volunteer requirements / Skills

There are no specifications on the volunteer’s profile, they can be male or female, and there are no
age requirements either. The important thing is that the volunteer has a good attitude, has
disposition, and is proactive.



Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging)

Host Family

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