Children Program (NEP-68)

Type: Human Rights: Children Rights - Country: Nepal

Brief description and main aims

Orphanages in Nepal are the only place for orphaned children to stay and get proper food, care, and education. These orphanages are poorly funded and lack enough staff to take proper care of the children. When you volunteer with our orphanage project in Nepal, you will spend most of your time tutoring children, playing with them, and making sure they feel loved, cared, and well looked after.

Through the attention you provide, the children can believe in themselves and work towards a better future. The children are also very enthusiastic about collaborating with international volunteers. Your invaluable contribution for the betterment of the disadvantaged children will be highly appreciated.

Main Activities

Our dreams and goals for these children are to put them through university, so that they can get a decent job, and even migrate in the future. The orphanage works by the motto "If orphaned children are kept in a homely atmosphere and given love and affection then they will become good citizens of the nation".

Volunteer tasks

• Helping children to do their homework.

• Helping kitchen to cook and cut the vegetables.

• Cleaning utensils after children go to their school.

• Helping small children to dress up.

• Dropping and bringing children from the school

• Organizing different activities for the children

Volunteer requirements / Skills

• Volunteers must be at least 17 years old.

• should be dependable and show eagerness as well as be able to maintain their motivation.

• Volunteers should show creativity, an open mind, and a flexible attitude for working in a new & different environment.

• volunteers need to have confidence in their work and have time and management skills to ensure effective support.

• The volunteer should bring energy and enthusiasm to be effective. Participants must be fit and healthy at the time of joining the program.

• Participants should have no criminal convictions and should provide a clean criminal background check report. 



Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging)

Volunteers will stay with host families. It is our responsibility to make your stay as pleasant as possible. Volunteers will be sharing rooms with international volunteers of the same gender participating in the same program. Three meals a day (lunch, snack, and dinner) will be provided during your stay. The food is prepared in local style. Main types of food will be rice, lentil soup and vegetables.

We will be attending during weekend and will do best to provide an unforgettable memory. It is important to keep in mind that in most developing countries services such as electricity, Wi-Fi, and hot water may be less consistent than in your home country.

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