Schools in Canchagua (ECU-127)

Type: Education: Teaching languages - Country: Ecuador

Brief description and main aims

The aim of both of the schools located in the parish of the same name, is to generate knowledge in the students of the community taught by the teaching staff, achieving critical, thoughtful students for the development of the country, from nursery level up to Unified General Baccalaureate and Technical Baccalaureate focused on achieving educational quality standards.The main difference between both schools is the number of students (with Escuela del Milenio having around 457, and Charles Darwin around 230)

Cultural Exposure

Canchagua is a small parish located 17 km from Latacunga, the capital of the Cotopaxi province. It is surrounded by local flora and most of the population make a living from agricultural and livestock production. Due to its proximity to Cotopaxi and its location in the mountainous region, the weather ranges from 6 to 8 degrees Celsius. Most of the communities in the higher zones speak Kichwa while those in the lower zones speak mostly Spanish. The majority of the population is of indigenous descent, with a few being mestizo, or of mixed race. 

Main Activities

While the schools teach a variety of subjects required for the students to graduate, the main area of the project in which the volunteers will be working is teaching English lessons and supporting the English department. However teaching will also be needed in the areas of sciences and nursery. 

Volunteer tasks

The activities to be carried out by the volunteer within the educational unit is to support the departments and teachers in the area of English, mathematics and physics, biology and chemistry and work with the children of the initial level (1-3 years old).

Volunteer requirements / Skills

The volunteer must have good or very good English skills. He/She should be organized, motivated, proactive and should like the interaction with small children. Previous experience with working with children, and ability in the arts would be an asset. He/She should not be afraid of working as an independent teacher. Maturity is a must. 


Canchagua - Cotopaxi province (1.5 hours from Quito)

Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging)

Host family living close to the parish

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