Communicating Human Rights in Diversity
The main aim of the Key Action 2 project “Communicating Human…
YOUTH IN ACTION (2007-2013)
Capacity Building Activities

Exploring the potential of volunteers in HIV and AIDS education and prevention
Training course for youth workers in EU and SEE countries/Birmingham,…

Youth volunteering in sensitive contexts-Training course on Refugees, Migrants and IDPs in EEAC and EU countries
Training course for youth workers on Refugees, Migrants and IDPs…

Youth in Action / Juventud en Accion
EU - LA Seminar on youth participation, active citizenship and…

South Balkan Youth Dialogue
EU SEE Study Visit to Macedonia and Albania/Skopje, Bitola, Ohrid,…

Training Course on fostering positive youth Action and partnership between EU and SEE countries
Training course for youth worker in EU and SEE countries/Berlin,…

EU-CIS Training Course on Youth Programme Partnership Building and Project Management
Training course for youth workers/Minsk, Belarus/3-9 March 2005

EU-SEE Training Course on Youth Programme Partnership Building and Project Management
Training course for youth workers/Vukovar, Croatia/9-15 December…

EU-SEE Training Course on Youth Programme Partnership Building and Project Management (Montenegro)
Training course for youth workers/Sutomore, Montenegro/10-16…

YOUTH IN ACTION - EURO-LATIN AMERICAN Seminar on Youth Leadership and active Citizenship
EURO-LATIN AMERICAN Seminar on Youth Leadership and active Citizenship/Sambo…
European Voluntary Service

Promoting Young Women's Active Citizenship
EVS project in EU, African, Asian and Latin American Countries

EU EECA European Voluntary Service Project on Social Inclusion and Cultural Diversity
EVS project in EU (Austria, Italy) and EECA countries (Lithuania,…

EU, Africa and Asia EVS Project: "YOUTH PLUS AWARENESS"
EVS project in EU (Austria, Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Poland,…

EU and Asia EVS Project: "Youth and Intercultural Dialogue"
EVS project in EU (Finland, Germany, Italy, Lithuania) and Asia…

EU and Africa EVS Project on Social Inclusion
EVS project in EU (Austria, Finland, Italy, United Kingdom) and…

EU and Latin America EVS project on participation of young people
EVS project in EU (Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Spain) and Latin…

Exploring the potential of young volunteers in HIV / AIDS Education and Prevention in EU and SEE Countries
EU - SEE Multilateral EVS project in EU (Spain, UK, Estonia,…

Youth Dialogue and Local Development
Multilateral EVS project in EU (Germany, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania)…

Youth Volunteering and Social Inclusion
EVS project in EU, CIS and SEE countries (Austria, Finland, Germany,…